Fit the Road : Elite

Target Audience:

Professional Drivers





Program Length:



Customized Content:



Workbook Included:


"The 'Fit the Road : Elite' wellness program can literally save your company thousands of dollars per employee."

Fit the Road: Elite  is a on-going wellness program designed specifically for professional drivers.

Drivers are an asset to a company, not a liability. They may be excellent at what they do, but if they are sick, tired, and unhealthy, they cost your company lots of money.

The Program:

Fit the Road : Elite is not about radically changing your life, it is about the little things you can do that make a huge difference! The program provides tools, information, audio programs, videos, and personal instruction for the driver while they are on the road. The Fit the Road : Elite  program focuses on four key areas:

  • -Nutrition: Eating healthy on the road... even on a "fast food" diet!
  • -Exercise: The 30-minute "weightless" hotel room workout.
  • -Mindset: Creating a healthy travel mentality and lifestyle.
  • -Travel Smart: Tips and tools for avoiding sickness and fatigue.


Fit the Road before you hit the road!

For most drivers, staying healthy can be a major challenge. Traveling takes a toll on the mind and body and unfortunately, spending hours, days and weeks in a truck doesn't make it easy to stay healthy... unless you know how!
